First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Secondary Applicant's Name *
Your Age*
Before filling out the application, please go to to determine if a Great Pyrenees is the right dog for you. It is NOT the right breed for everyone
Do you have a preference for male or female? Choose one: male female no preference
Do you have a preference for age? Choose one: puppy young adult senior
Would you consider a special needs dog? Choose one: yes no no preference
Are you interested in a particular dog currently on our website? Choose an animal: Alaska Andy Angel Annie Betty White Billie Holiday Briscoe Carson Celia Chester Juniper Kayso Kota Leah Lizzy Rocky Rosemary Skye Virgil
Are there any other dogs you are interested in?
Do you want a family pet or a working livestock guardian dog? SPIN has mostly family pet foster dogs. However, you may use this application for a referral to other Great Pyrenees Rescue volunteers that test and place working LGD's. They will have some additional questions for you and will make a ranch visit with your permission.*
How many people live in the household?
How many children and their ages?*
If no small children in the family now, will there be any in the family soon? Choose one: Yes No Maybe
Do other children visit often?
Who will be the primary caregiver for the dog?
What is your occupation?
What is your spouse's occupation?
Do you have dogs now? NAME (if not given, you application will not be processed), AGE. GENDER, BREED, temperament and any comments about each dog.*
What other dogs have you owned? YOU MUST LIST NAME, AGE, GENDER, BREED
Where are they now?
Have you owned a Great Pyrenees before?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you have cats? If so, provide their names?*
Do you have other animals or birds? If yes, what kinds of animals do you have?*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
Are your pets spayed/neutered?* Choose one: Yes No
If no, why not?*
Are all your pets vaccinated now?* Choose one: Yes No
If no, why not?
Have your pets been on heart worm preventative for the last 6 months?* Choose one: Yes No
If no, why not
Do you live in a house, condo, apartment or other?* Choose one: House Condo Apartment Other
Do you own or rent your home?*
If renting, please provide landlord name & phone number.
Are you planning to move soon?* Choose one: Yes No
Does your home have a yard? How big?*
Please describe your fence. TYPE AND HEIGHT.*
Where will the dog spend the night?*
Where will the dog spend the day?*
For how long would all adults be away from the home on a normal day?
Where will the dog be during that time?
Will you be using a crate, and if so for how long at a time?
What 3 characteristics do you find most appealing about a new dog? Choose 3
What characteristics would you find the least appealing in a new dog? Mark all that apply
Great Pyrenees BARK loudly and if you have close neighbors, Great Pyrenees must be kept inside, especially at night. Will this be a problem for you?* Choose one: Yes No
What is your definition or philosophy of disciplining and training your dog?
What are your plans for socialization and exercise? (walks, daycare, dog parks, etc)
May we have your permission for a representative of SPIN to visit your home?* Choose one: Yes No
May we have permission to contact your vet for a reference?* Choose one: Yes No
Veterinarian Name, Address and Phone Number, if no vet reply N/A*
It is a breed trait to wander. When outdoors and not in a fenced area, Great Pyrenees will not stay with you without a lead. They will not stay in the yard without a fence. Some Great Pyrenees will jump or climb over fences. Will you commit to keeping your Great Pyrenees in a securely fenced yard or on a lead?* Choose one: Yes No
Will you commit to provide heartworm preventative & vaccinations for your Great Pyrenees?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you prepared to provide veterinary attention if your Great Pyrenees becomes ill/injured?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you have any questions or other preferences?
I certify that all information provided on this application is correct and true.*