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Lucy's Web Page

Great Pyrenees  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Baby  : :  Large

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About Lucy

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 634
Lovable Little Lucy is as adorable as she is cute.

She is residing at Foster Nest located at Barton-Puppyville along with two other foster-cousin puppers. She is SO very, very, VERY happy!! And SO very, very, VERY sweet. Everything an adorable little pup-gal should be and is.

She is also at the nibbling stage and she and her cousin pups love playing the "Attack Of The Pantleg" game with foster mommy and she can rarely stroll across the yard without a puppy attached to a leg. Great fun for all concerned :-) .

She has also learned that the couch is not only a great place for a pup-nap but also to play on with Pyr cousins. She is working very hard on learning her potty manners and being the smart little cooky she is that will be perfected in no time flat. All this little girl really needs to make her life even more complete is her very own family and domain to reign over as Princess Supreme.

Every dog who is adopted thru the SPIN program is up to date on all vaccinations, spayed or neutered, heartworm negative and on preventative. Please fill out an Adoption Application today.

Other Pictures of Lucy (click to see larger version):

Lucy Lucy