Calamity Jane is the sweetest little girl!!! She is all of the wonder and magic of a happy puppy wrapped up in one cuddly little bundle and decorated with soft white hair. This little sweetie is not 100% Big White Dog and only her mommy and daddy really know what is mixed in with the Pyr but she is 100% A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!
She LOVES attention. When she sees you she will come running over for a pet with a big puppy smile on her cute little face and her tail wagging so hard her little bottom wiggles all over the floor ~ her aka is officially going to be Miss Wiggly Butt.
She LOVES to cuddle. She would sit on your lap forever if you would let her. Her foster mommy pulled her into bed one nite and she immediately rolled over on her back and was snoring within minutes AND she will stay as long as you hold her. She is SUPER SUPER playful. She adores playing tug-o-war but would rather tug on your pajamas than her rope toys ~ this is a work in progress and she is learning the difference :-)
She has a "ferocious" bark and watches all the big dogs in her foster nest trying to learn how to be protective. She is also enrolled in Crate Training and House Manners 101 and is super smart and at the head of the class. No doubt we will be having graduation ceremonies in no time flat.
This angel in fur is was born on December 1st, 2007 and has no doubt made our world a much happier place already. There is a very lucky family out there that will get to bring her home and grow up with her. Is it yours??

Every dog who is adopted thru the SPIN program is up to date on all vaccinations, spayed or neutered, heartworm negative and on preventative. Please fill out an Adoption Application today.