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Marie's Web Page

Great Pyrenees / Anatolian Shepherd / Mixed  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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About Marie

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Housetrained: Yes
Marie joined the world on March 1, 2004 and besides growing into an absolutely beautiful young woman she is a very happy and obedient soul.

She is a little timid when meeting new people but warms up lightening quick. Always available for any hand that becomes free long enough to scratch and ear. She loves to snuggle on the bed with her humans and can occasionally be found cuddled up in an empty, soft chair. She is cat, kid and bird friendly and is currently sharing her foster home with 3 other Pyrs, 3 cats and 3 birds. However her foster family thinks she would do best as on only dog with her humans to dote on her and only her.

She protects her food dish from other animals but a stern look or word from her humans and she will stop any growling. She would love to chase cats but only if they run first, if the cats are just "hanging out" she simply doesn't bother them.

Marie follows her humans around the house, keeping track of where everyone is during the day. She is also very alert to anything going on around the house and is quick to let you know if she feels something is amiss.

Marie would love to go home with her forever family, she's waiting so patiently to meet them ~ they're out there, she knows it and so do we ~ all we need now is fate to step in and do it's work.

Every dog who is adopted thru the SPIN program is up to date on all vaccinations, spayed or neutered, heartworm negative and on preventative. Please fill out an Adoption Application today.

More about Marie

Is Not Good with Dogs

Other Pictures of Marie (click to see larger version):

Marie Marie