Sam is a wonderful dog! Sam is a great dog!! Sam is a lovable dog!!! And Sam needs a new home.
Sam has a very sad story to tell which is sadly like many, many dogs who find themselves looking for new homes. Originally he simply showed up on the front porch of some caring (and fortunately involved in rescue) people with a huge gash across his chest (it's thought he may have tangled with some barbed wire fencing). After some inquiries they found out that Sam had been taken in by a family after his original owner threatened to shoot him because he had gotten too big - well DUH, they don't call them Big White Dogs for nothing people and here is a good place to insert the "please do your homework when you decide to adopt a breed" speech. Well seems these people took him in because they said he was just too dang sweet to shoot but they really weren't looking for a dog and really didn't want a dog. So now here is Sam with a terrible wound and in need of medical attention so these people had no problem signing him over to the "rescue" family Sam had found himself drawn too. They got him all fixed up (a long and arduos process because the wound was deep and old) good as new and he continued to live with them as a foster until lo and behold they found the perfect family for Sam - or so they thought. Same went to live on 5 acres with a family that loved/loves him very much but Same got too cozy with some neighboring rancher's cows (Sam is a very friendly guy and was just hanging out with his moo friends but the rancher didn't see it that way) and AGAIN Sam faced the threat of being shot. His new family put in a desperate plea to the rescue family to please come and take him back in to literally save his life AGAIN and out of love for this gentle giant let him go back to his foster home
Sam is GREAT with people, kids, dogs and cats. He will be a wonderful addition to some very lucky family, just look at the huge doggie smile - this is one hap-hap-happy dog. Through no fault of his own poor Sam has been rehomed and bounced around more than any dog deserves to be and really really deserves a permanent home with a family to love. Could your family be the lucky one for this gentle soul?
Every dog who is adopted thru the SPIN program is up to date on all vaccinations, spayed or neutered, heartworm negative and on preventative. Please fill out an Adoption Application today.