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Pauline's Web Page

Great Pyrenees  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Large

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About Pauline

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 501
Sweet Pauline joined the world on March 1st, 2007 and isn't she just lovely with her pretty white hair and black highlights? A gal just can't have too many highlights these days dont'cha know.

She is a sweetheart and gets along with everyone in her new foster digs, in fact she is having a high ole time romping about the yard with them. Yessirree there is nothing like a good romp.

Pretty Pauline is enjoying her new found nest but boy oh boy would she like to have a home of her own. Any family would so lucky to have this angel wrapped in white hair join them so let's get those applications filled out and do our meet and greets and let's NOT keep her waiting.

And here is a special invitation to all you young ladies out there between the ages of 25 and 30 - it seems Miss Pauline really, really likes young women. We are talking about wiggly butt, kissy face, off the wall likes - so come on gals here's your chance to have a once in a lifetime, adores ya, will follow you anywhere 4-legged pal.

Every dog who is adopted thru the SPIN program is up to date on all vaccinations, spayed or neutered, heartworm negative and on preventative. Please fill out an Adoption Application today.

Other Pictures of Pauline (click to see larger version):

Pauline Pauline