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Saint Pyrnards' Web Page

Saint Bernard / Great Pyrenees / Mixed  : :  Male  : :  Baby  : :  X-Large

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About Saint Pyrnards

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Y'all!!!!! Announcing the arrival of two of the most adorable pups you will ever roll your eyes over. We have for your viewing, hugging and adopting pleasure (drum roll please) two Saint Pyrnards.

Now for all of you who are scratching your heads and wondering what in the world is a Saint Pyrnard, I am going to tell you. They are a perfect blending of the wonderful Big White Dog, the Great Pyrenees and the gentlest giant of the dog world, the Saint Bernard.

Our two boys are 5 1/2 months old and were simply dumped off a vet's office where they quickly won the hearts of everyone there. They are sweet, gentle and puppy playful and will nudge your hand to get pets. Of course they are exuberant puppies and are learning manners like not to jump up when greeting people (they just get SO excited at the prospect of attention) and placing their paws on someones shoulders for an eyeball to eyeball look - these guys are going to be BIG'uns.

These two sweet little (ok, not so little) ones are ready, willing and able to join their perfect match family. They are on the lookout, would love to go together (every dog lover out there knows that more is better when it comes to dogs so why not a two-fer) but if there are two families out there lucky enough to be picked as the perfect match by these adorable critters, well who are we to argue.

If you have already fallen head over heels in love with their pictures and want to finish off the tumble contact nhinds@consolidated.net for a meet and greet set up.

The Pyrnards are in their new home in Arizona! Many thanks to Paige and Mike for making this happen for the Boys!

Other Pictures of Saint Pyrnards (click to see larger version):

Saint Pyrnards Saint Pyrnards