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Pete's Web Page

Great Pyrenees  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Large

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About Pete

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Housetrained: Yes
Hi! My name is Pete. I was found wandering the streets & eating trash to survive. Lucky for me, I was found and treated for the illness that eating bad things caused. My stomach is still a bit sensitive, but hopefully will heal with time.

My foster mom says that even though I'm already extra-large in size, I still have some room to grow. She thinks I'm somewhere between 1 - 2 years old and says I still behave very much like a puppy at times. I wont be fully grown and mature until I'm 2 or 3 years old. I love playing with the other doggies at my foster home and ignore the cat. I have lots of new things to learn like walking on a leash, but already know my name and will come when called and am sitting when asked, too. I love to sleep on the floor at my foster mom's bedside.

I am protective of my foster mom and sometimes I get confused about who I'm supposed to protect her from because I'm still learning how to behave like a grown-up. She says I have a big heart, and just need lots love & lots of training. Do you know what she means when she says she wants me to live in a home where humans are kind, loving, and firm with me when I'm being headstrong?

I would love to have a home and family of my own to love and watch over. Hopefully other doggies will be there too, so we can play. Are you the special human who will let me into your heart & home furever?



Every dog who is adopted thru the SPIN program is up to date on all vaccinations, spayed or neutered, heartworm negative and on preventative. Please fill out an Adoption Application today.

Other Pictures of Pete (click to see larger version):

Pete Pete