When I first met Sally, I knew I couldn't leave that beautiful creature to die. She looked at me with so much love and pleaded for a chance to get out of that cage. I had already recieved the following information about her:
Sally's owner got her from a breeder and has papers of some kind (May or may not be AKC). This year they are having a bad problem with ticks. They got some "Stuff" that was supposed to kill the ticks but it didn't work. Some person the father works with convinced him that the only way to get rid of the ticks is to get rid of the dog. They have a 2 year old child that uses Sally for a pillow. Friends have terrified them with stories of Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. The children are devastated over the loss of "Sally". Sally is house broken, has seen a Vet semi-regularly and had shots 2 years ago. She acts way younger than she really is. Sally is good with cats, small kids, other dogs. According to family she has never shown any signs of aggression. Does not dig, bark excessively or try to jump fence. Has never run off. Sounds like the perfect Pyr.
Sally is eight years old, 74 pounds and is in excellent health. After a bath and good brushing, she is a very beautiful dog. When she goes walking through Petsmart, everybody has to stop and ask about her. They are all impressed by how pretty she is and how soft and fuzzy she feels. Sally gets lots of petting and enjoys every bit of it.
Sally gets along fine with all the other dogs. She really likes a 25 pound Cocker mix in her foster home, and wants to play with him. She will bow and prance to try to get him to play. I think she is used to playing with a smaller dog. The cats show a total lack of respect by walking under her and rubbing against her legs. She ignores them.
Sally loves children. She is very sweet and gentle with them, even when half a dozen kids are trying to pet her at the same time. Sally would like a home with several kids. She would be their best friend, their protector and their favorite pillow.
Great Pyrenees live for an average of about 11 years so Sally doesn't have a lot of years left. She has been a loving and faithful pet for her former family and deserves the chance to live out her remaining years with dignity. If you can do that for her, she will reward you with all the love and devotion a dog can give. I think that's a pretty good deal.
Sally has been crossposted with permission from Flower Mound Humane Society, Flower Mound, TX.
To contact FMHS directly about Sally:
Website: Flower Mound Humane Society.
A very fortunate family saw the beauty in this lovely girl and took her home with them. They are so lucky to have such a wonderful dog! And Sally was so lucky to have such a wonderful advocate for her! Thank you, Frank.